Sr.No. Product Description Statutory Specifications Organization Specifications
1 Description White or whitish with greenish tinge,free from lumps & free flowing White or whitish with greenish tinge,free from lumps & free flowing
2 Moisture % Max 3.5 Max 3.5
3 Fat % Max 1.25 Max 1.25
4 Titrable Acidity 12 to 18 ml 12 to 18 ml
5 Insolubility index ml. Max 0.5 Max 0.5
6 Ash % on D.M. Max 8.2 Max 8.2
7 Lactate mg / gm 1.5 1.5
8 Scorched particles mg Disc ‘B’ Disc ‘B’
9 Aerobic plate count Max 40,000 Max 30,000
10 Coliform / gm Min 10 Absent
11 E. coli Absent Absent
12 Listeria monocytogenes Absent Absent
13 Aerobic spore count (Bacillius cereus) /gm Max 100 cfu / g Max 100 cfu / g
14 Anaerobic spore count (clostridium perfringenes) /gm Max 10 cfu / g Max 10 cfu / g